Saturday, July 02, 2005

Let's entertain the theme of self-awareness: let's examine the blog, using the blog, from within the blog. What is this blog? If we consult a popular web-based reference we can find some simple definitions for the words in our web-log's title:

1. An attitude of scornful or jaded negativity, especially a general distrust of the integrity or
professed motives of others: the public cynicism aroused by governmental scandals.
2. A scornfully or jadedly negative comment or act
3. Cynicism The beliefs of the ancient Cynics

1. A small grain or pellet; a particle
2. Geology. A rock or mineral fragment larger than a sand grain and smaller than a pebble, between 2 and 4 millimeters in diameter
3. Astronomy. One of the small, transient, brilliant markings in the photosphere of the sun
4. Biology. A cellular or cytoplasmic particle, especially one that stains readily

Okay let's cut the crap: The author's view of society and humanity is rather cynical, however he's going to attempt to counteract each cynical assessment with some gem or granuel of wisdom that he pretends he has to help the situation. You've got to work with what you've got to work with...

For example, one cynical viewpoint might be: to make it in the business world you have to take as much as you can get and therefore you'd better be ready either to hose down some hosehead or to fold when your competition hoses them first. That is to say that if you make it big without trying to take advantage of people, your scruples were almost certainly either incidental or unhelpful to the money-making process.

One counteracting granuel of wisdom might be: you can find many useful and relatively cheap products when shopping in the Wal-Mart and Target stores alone whether you like to think about young Chinamen in cages or not.

I now profess that my motives are somewhat biased towards having a liberal enough sense of humor to gracefully survive what seems to be going on around me. It's not as if I can just blot it all out by closing my eyes while listening to Paul Taylor's 'Nightlife' on my headphones, no it would take a bit more obscurring to hide the ugly truth from me!

This blog was created under inspiration from Zoe there, but since she would ultimately be bored with a blog that was only professing my appreciation of her image and personality etc: I had to appropriate the blog's essence for my own personal whimbition (which is a combination of whim & ambition: whimbition.)

I hope I don't seem too colon-happy: that just sounds bad.

Although cynics like me do not expect all things to spontaneously heal themselves, we sure like the fact that we are given a choice whether we like the choices or not. We can choose to fight, we can choose to bow, or we can choose to meander over the horizon on a tangerine cow. There might be more choices but for now...


p.s. no multi-national retail outlet chains or franchises were harmed in the making of this post, or at least if they were slandered then their main competition was too [as far as I can tell.]


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